Trail Report

Saturday March 16, 2019 4:08AM

Excellent overall conditions

Light snowfall

1 general warning

3 trail warnings

Overall excellent trail conditions with only one water issue on Trail 418 listed below. Grooming Operations have resumed with a few inches of new snow and perfect results. Trails prior to grooming were still in very good condition. Get out and enjoy some of the best riding this year!
See Trail 8 East Bridge Caution. The Deere is done running that way for the season, too big for the bridge with current snow conditions. Operator Keith had a close call with it sliding off the end as exiting the bridge. The Pisten Bully will have to groom that segment for the remainder of the season. Good thing the bridge is getting replaced this summer.
Another repair – The Pisten Bully needed a leaking hydraulic line replaced and wiper coolant line repaired before heading out. Operator’s Tyler and Quest took time to get it going.

Past 24 hour Grooming Operations:
Trail 8 East, Trail 8 West to Trail 7 North, Trail 7 North, Trail 419 East and West and Trail 422.

Today’s Forecast: Snow Showers, 26 degrees, 15 to 20 mph North wind. Up to 1 inch of snow.

Cover Photo: Trail 422 prior to grooming.

PLEASE ride with caution, stay right and be respectful, stay on the trail and off the throttle when in the towns.


- A fast snow melt has created flooding on Trail 418. Location: 1 1/2 miles East of AuTrain. Please Avoid this area until further notice. Significant water is flowing down and across the trail. Deep slush for about 1/8 of a mile and very deep, slushy water just off the trail. Again please avoid this area so we can easily repair it once the water recedes. DETOUR: Take Trail 417 South from Brownstone Junction to Trail 8 East.

Trail Conditions

8 East - Shingleton


Light Snow, groomed and set perfect Friday night. Very light chop prior to grooming. Bladed and panned from Shingleton to third bridge 5 miles north. Groomed perfect the remaining 2 miles north. Could not make a second pass on the first 5 miles due to bridge crossing issue with the big John Deere.

BRIDGE CAUTION - Where: Third bridge 5 miles North of Shingleton, This is a narrow bridge and our Deere slide of the edge as exiting. Snow is cleaned up but rough in this area. Slow down and ride with caution when crossing. (see photo taken prior to clean-up)

8 West - Chatham


Light Snow, groomed and set perfect to Trail 7 North Friday night.

7 South - CR440


Light Snow, groomed and set perfect Monday. Some moguls - scheduled for Saturday grooming.

7 North - Christmas


Light Snow, groomed and set perfect Friday night. Very light chop prior to grooming.

419 East - Wetmore


Light Snow, groomed and set perfect Friday night.

419 West - Munising


Light Snow, groomed and set perfect Friday night. Very light chop prior to grooming.

418 - Au Train

Very Good

WARNING - Avoid use from AuTrain East to Trail 7. Light Snow, groomed and set perfect Monday. Very light chop.

TRAIL 418 NOTICE - WATER HAZARD Location: 1 1/2 miles East of AuTrain. Please Avoid this area until further notice. Significant water is flowing down and across the trail. There is deep slush for about 1/8 of a mile with very deep, slushy water just off the trail. Again please avoid this area so we can easily repair it once the water recedes. DETOUR: Take Trail 417 South from Brownstone Junction to Trail 8 East.

417 - Brownstone Jnct.

Very Good

Light Snow, groomed and set perfect Monday. Very light chop. Scheduled for Saturday grooming.

422 - Miners Castle


Light Snow, groomed and set perfect Friday night.

STAY ON TRAIL! When crossing railroad tracks near Timber Products you must go onto the shoulder of M-28. Do Not cross directly over the tracks behind the signal. Trail is clearly signed so please respect the railroad.

Wetmore Spur

Very Good

Light Snow, groomed and set perfect Tuesday. Very light chop.

8 North - Shingleton