Trail Report

Monday April 1, 2019 4:37AM

Good overall conditions

No snowfall

2 general warnings

1 trail warning


The official grooming season has come to a close. Thanks to all the operators who did and outstanding job grooming this year. Also thank you to everyone that helped support Alger SORVA through the season.

Today’s final grooming runs went great and good riding should continue for awhile yet. Operator Keith in the John Deere and Tyler in the leased Tucker had surprise timing coming up to the Trail 7 and Trail 418 intersection at exactly the same time. Now it’s time to service and clean-up the machines for next season.

For those of you who still want to ride snowmobiles, all of our Trails are legally rideable being on State and Federal Lands. A few exceptions, Trail 419 between Munising and Wetmore which is closed due to private property, and the bridge/wetland section in Shingleton will be closed by DNR when snow decreases. Still some excellent riding, Trail 8 Right now is perfect it’s full length through our system. Remember multiple users now with ORV season open so ride with caution.

The Pisten Bully is still located on the side of Trail 8 right near M-94 in Shingleton so ride with caution in that area. Hopefully it is picked up soon.

This will be the final official snowmobile trail report. Please keep watching because we are developing a transition to an ORV Trail Report. The report will be done on a less frequent one to two week interval.
Stay Tuned to trail conditions all year long!

Past 24 hour Grooming Operations:
Trail 8 West, Trail 7 North, Trail 419 East, Trail 419 West, Trail 418 and Trail 417

Today’s Forecast: Sunny, 41 degrees, 5 to 10 mph Southwest wind.

Cover Photo: Trail 7 / Trail 418 Intersection


- Keep an eye out for ORV's now that their riding season is officially open.


- Road clearing for logging trucks has started on the North leg of Trail 422. A short section just as you come off of H-58 is being cleared by dozers. Another short section just North of Shingleton on Trail 8 has also been cleared for logging trucks. Ride with caution in these areas and watch for heavy equipment as you pass through.

Trail Conditions

8 East - Shingleton

Fair to Good

No new Snow, groomed Sunday, Flat. Water and bare gravel is appearing on connector through Shingleton - STAY ON TRAIL.

8 West - Chatham

Very Good

No new Snow, groomed Sunday. Great base and flat.

7 South - CR440

Fair to Good

No new Snow, groomed Monday night. Light chop. few bare spots in open field areas.

7 North - Christmas

Fair to Good

No new Snow, groomed Sunday. Good base and flat. Some bare spots along last 2 miles on Christmas end

419 East - Wetmore


No new snow, groomed Sunday.

419 West - Munising

Fair to Good

No new Snow, groomed Sunday from Munising to Christmas. Closed between Munising and Wetmore

418 - Au Train


No new snow. Good to Fair from Trail 7 heading West to Au Train. Bare areas between Au Train and Brownstone Junction.

417 - Brownstone Jnct.


No new Snow. Groomed Sunday.

422 - Miners Castle


No new Snow. Bare road and gravel along 2 mile section of trail on H-58.

LOGGING started on the North leg of Trail 422 just off of H-58 and vehicles trying to access Miners Castle and getting stuck.

Wetmore Spur

Fair to Good

No new Snow, groomed Sunday.

8 North - Shingleton