Very Good overall conditions
No snowfall
0 general warnings
2 trail warnings
Great Trails but Trouble Again!
Trails in an overall good to very good condition. Operators were reporting very good results with our trails primarily in very good condition east of M94. The west side Trails are in very good to good condition. Trail 7 South of Buckhorn was not groomed last night due to our Pisten Bully going down again. A casting on the cooling fan clutch broke again. It will be down for at least 2 days. Hopefully parts arrive before the weekend, otherwise….. We will do what we can with the Programs Spare Bully and our club owned John Deere 7130. As far as the Big Deere still awaiting a return delivery date. Lets hope the great trail conditions don’t drop off too quickly. Ride to the Right and Stay Tuned for updates!
Past 24 hour Grooming Operations: Trail 8 from Trail 417 intersection East to Shingleton, Trail 7 from Trail 8 North to Christmas, Trail 419, Trail 422.
24 Hour Forecast: Scattered Snow Showers, 16º F, Winds NW 10 to 15, Gusts to 20 mph
Currently: Scattered Snow Showers, 17 F, Winds NW 3 mph
Cover Photo: Trail 422 Miners Castle
Be sure to patronize and thank your Trail Sponsors!
Today’s Trail Report brought to you by: Cherrywood Lodge, Wetmore, MI
Very Good
Dusting of new snow, grooming flat with a good base. May get choppy throughout the day. Last Groomed: 3/2/2022
Dusting of new snow, grooming flat with a good base. May get choppy throughout the day. Last Groomed: 3/2/2022
Dusting of new snow, grooming flat with a good base. May get choppy throughout the day. Rougher South of Buckhorn Road to CR440 as not groomed last night due to machine down. Last Groomed: 3/1/2022 to Buckhorn Road
TRAIL 7 SOUTH HAZARD! A trouble spot has returned again this year about 1/2 mile south of Doe Lake Road (roughly 2 1/2 miles south of Buckhorn) a large hole and bump develop from traffic through the day. PLEASE slow down in this area and ride with caution.
Dusting of new snow, grooming flat with a good base. May get choppy throughout the day. Last Groomed: 3/2/2022
Very Good
Dusting of new snow, grooming flat with a good base. May get choppy throughout the day. Last Groomed: 3/2/2022
Very Good
Dusting of new snow, grooming flat with a good base. May get choppy throughout the day. Last Groomed: 3/2/2022
Dusting of new snow, grooming flat with a good base. May get choppy throughout the day. Last Groomed: 3/2/2022
Dusting of new snow, grooming flat with a good base. May get choppy throughout the day. Last Groomed: 3/1/2022
Very Good
Dusting of new snow, grooming flat with a good base. May get choppy throughout the day. Last Groomed: 3/2/2022
DETOUR IN PLACE Trail 422 has a small detour near Miners Castle Road. Please look at map below for clarification. A short section will be shared with Logging Trucks. PLEASE stay alert, give trucks the right of way and let them pass through before entering the shared section of trail.
Very Good
Dusting of new snow, grooming flat with a good base. May get choppy throughout the day. Last Groomed: 3/2/2022
Dusting of new snow, grooming flat with a good base. Expected to be getting choppy. Last Groomed: 3/1/2022
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