Very Good overall conditions
No snowfall
1 general warning
5 trail warnings
No new snow and Operators reporting great grooming results. Trails are staying fairly flat through the day but the snow is starting to get worn out. Because of that we are stepping back to “Very Good” overall conditions. Parts of Trails 419 and Trail 8 North of Shingleton are starting to get some icy corners. Ride with caution. We really do need more new snow so get the snow dances going again. Please respect residential property owners and STAY ON THE TRAIL, No Snowmobile Signs mean just that. Please DO NOT run the Powerlines off of Trail 419. Our Team of volunteer Groomer Operators will continue to do their best to keep trails flat so; get out and ENJOY the Trails Ride Safe and Stay Tuned for updates!
Past 24 hour Grooming Operations: Trail 8 from 7 miles North of Shingleton West to Trail 417, Trail 7 from Christmas South to CR440, 418, 419 & 422 (reference map below for trail locations)
24 hour Forecast: Sunny, 24º F, Winds SW 5 mph
Currently: Clear, 10º F, Winds Calm
Photos: Trails 7/8, 8 and 422 (cover: Operator Quest grooming Trail 7/8)
Be sure to patronize and thank your Trail Sponsors!
Today’s Trail Report brought to you by:
- STAY ON GROOMED TRAILS in the Stevens Lake F-16 crash site area. These are Trails 7 to the North and East, Trail 2 to the South and Trail 411 to the West. Order in effect through September 30, 2021. Notice from the National Forest important for those who venture off-trail: "Just a heads up to remind riders to stay on trails especially around or near the crash site they can be fined or imprisoned if caught inside perimeter thanks" (Order and Map in images below shows area)
Very Good
No new snow, flat with a good base. Groomed 2/19/2021
Very Good
No new snow, flat with a good base. Groomed 2/19/2021
Very Good
No new snow, fairly flat with a good base. Groomed to CR440 2/18/2021 and to Doe Lake Road 2/19/2021
Just south of Doe Lake Road there is a large depression from underlying trail conditions. Keep the speed down and ride with caution in that area.
Very Good
No new snow, fairly flat with a good base, some icy corners closer to Christmas. Groomed 2/19/2021
No new snow, fairly flat with a good base. A bit choppy between Munising and Wetmore. Watch for some icy corners. Groomed 2/19/2021
STAY ON TRAIL! DO NOT run powerlines. We have been fielding phone calls about trespassing. This is private property and we do not want to lose our trail.
Very Good
No new snow, fairly flat with a good base. Watch for some icy corners. Groomed 2/18/2021
Watch for small water holes developing from springs in trail closer to Munising.
Very Good
No new snow, flat with a good base. Thinner along the Lake Superior Shoreline near AuTrain. Groomed 2/19/2021
No new snow, flat with a good base. Groomed 2/18/2021
Watch for a few large holes developing in a narrow section of trail about 1.5 miles North of Trail 8.
Very Good
No new snow, flat with a good base. 2 mile stretch along H-58 has minimal snow cover along guard rail sections. Groomed 2/19/2021
WATCH FOR CARS/TRUCKS Though we have more snow vehicles still try traveling out the the Miners Castle overlook. Stay alert for stuck vehicles or possible trail damage once you enter the groomed section of Miner Castle Road.
Very Good
No new snow, flat with a good base. Groomed 2/19/2021
Very Good
No new snow, flat with a fair base. Some corners are starting to get icy. Groomed 2/19/2021
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