Trail Report

Wednesday February 13, 2019 7:06AM

Very Good overall conditions

Medium snowfall

1 general warning

3 trail warnings

  Overall trail conditions are very good with 10 to 12 inches of fresh powdery snow. Trails are holding great and only getting a little choppy by the next groom. Trail 8 West of Trail 7 North seems to get the worst with larger moguls in the corners as the day progresses.
Equipment wise we are still wingless with the Pisten Bully, parts not here yet. Parts expected today with wings working for tonight’s run. The new Deere had a mechanical hiccup on Trail 7 south late yesterday. It’s back in our building and expected to be hitting the trails within the next 24 hours. Our personal back-up machine, the old JD 7130R, is also currently down with broken axle attach bolts for the track system. Again parts on order and waiting. Trenary Northern Trails is helping groom some trails to cover in the mean time.
We all need to give a big thank you out to Groomer Coordinator Chris for keeping the trails flat despite all the break-downs and machine operation issues we have had over the last month. That’s a big enough task when everything is running smoothly. Also thanks to Trenary Northern Trails for stepping in to help cover grooming when asked.

Past 24 hour Grooming operations:
Trails 8 East to 7 miles north of Shingleton and 8 West, 7 South to 1 mile south of Doe Lake Road, 7 North to Christmas, Trail 419 East and West, Trail 422 and Wetmore Spur.

Today’s Forecast:  Winter Storm Warning, Blowing Snow, 19 degrees and 15 to 30 mph Northwest winds, 1 to 3 inches of snow.

Cover Photo: Operator Kris grooming Trail 8

PLEASE ride with caution, stay right and be respectful, stay on the trail and off the throttle when in the towns.
Keep Snow Dancing with your friends and stay tuned for updates!


- Machines are often running two shifts so please be alert and watch for groomers day and night.

Trail Conditions

8 East - Shingleton

Very Good

10 to 12 inches of fresh powdery snow, groomed and set perfect Tuesday night.

1 Mile West of the Doty Bridge a large depression and bump keeps appearing as the day progresses - RIDE WITH CAUTION!

8 West - Chatham

Very Good

10 to 12 inches of fresh powdery snow, groomed and set perfect with Tuesday and Tuesday night runs.

7 South - CR440


10 to 12 inches of fresh powdery snow, groomed and set perfect to 1 mile south of Doe Lake Road Tuesday.

7 North - Christmas

Very Good

10 to 12 inches of fresh powdery snow, groomed and set perfect Thursday night with help from Trenary Northern Trails (TNT).

419 East - Wetmore

Very Good

10 to 12 inches of fresh powdery snow, groomed multiple times daily. High traffic trail section so may get choppy between grooming runs.

419 West - Munising


10 to 12 inches of fresh powdery snow, groomed and set perfect Sunday night. Large moguls develop on short section in the hills between Munising and Wetmore.

418 - Au Train


10 to 12 inches of fresh powdery snow, groomed and set perfect Monday.

Ride with caution in area approximately 2 miles East of AuTrain. Chunky rough conditions in area of repair from flooding.

417 - Brownstone Jnct.


10 to 12 inches of fresh powdery snow, groomed and set perfect Monday.

422 - Miners Castle

Very Good

10 to 12 inches of fresh powdery snow, groomed and set perfect Monday night.

Wetmore Spur

Very Good

10 to 12 inches of fresh powdery snow, groomed and set perfect Tuesday night.

Use Caution in areas of steep side hill conditions near East end.

8 North - Shingleton