Trail Report

Monday December 24, 2018 9:07AM

Fair overall conditions

Light snowfall

1 general warning

6 trail warnings


Good news shown in our pictures, Munising received a measured 2 5/8 inches of fresh snow this morning. It’s not a lot but we are heading in the right direction. 🙂
The core of our system from Trail 8/ M-94 in Shingleton to Trail 7 / Buckhorn and North, Trail 7 to Christmas, and most of Trail 419W from Munising to Christmas is in Fair Condition. Beyond that overall riding conditions are poor with some thin, sandy, rocky and wet areas. No grooming equipment operation scheduled at this time but we will be out building a base in certain areas.

Forecast is for scattered snow showers, 31 degrees and 10 mph NW winds. It still looks promising later in the week but no snowfall amounts forecast yet.

Trail Work Activity: For now we have just been working areas that still need a good flat base established. Yesterday operator Keith took the John Deere and Dubie 3-point Groomer out for minor brushing, tree clearing and water management trail shaping. From Munising to Christmas, all but the two mile Frog Hollow section of Trail 419W was “panned, including the new Holiday Inn Spur. We needed to run all the new, and recently reconstructed, sections of Trail 419W to be sure the grooming equipment can pass through properly when the snow really arrives.

If you must venture out please ride with caution and conservatively and PLEASE be respectful, stay on the trail and off the throttle when in the towns.
Keep Snow Dancing with your friends and stay tuned for updates!

(Today’s photos are Trail 419W yesterday, from Munising through Frog Hollow to Christmas and the new Holiday Inn Spur)


- A few Wet Areas are not frozen solid. Some of these are deep so ride with caution.

Trail Conditions

8 East - Shingleton


2 1/2 inches of fresh snow, thin base. From M-94 crossing to a few miles North of Shingleton is poor with wet and rocky areas. No recent grooming.

STAY ON TRAIL! Ride with caution in 1/2 mile wetland section just North of Shingleton. Many wet areas are not frozen solid heading North of Shingleton. Large waterhole right at the Trail 8/Trail41 intersection just south of Shingleton.

8 West - Chatham


2 1/2 inches of fresh snow, thin base. No recent grooming.

7 South - CR440


2 1/2 inches of fresh snow, thin base, wet areas near south end. Fair riding from Buckhorn North. No recent grooming.

7 North - Christmas


2 1/2 inches of fresh snow, thin base. Fair riding from Trail 7/8 intersection North. Hard and icy as you approach Christmas with logging activity. No recent grooming.

Logging Operations from Ridge Road as you near Christmas. Watch for large trucks and give right of way. Also Log Decking being done soon along Trail 7 just as you approach Christmas.

419 East - Wetmore


2 1/2 inches of fresh snow, thin base, no recent grooming.

419 West - Munising


2 1/2 inches of fresh snow. Thin to no base and rocky areas between Munising and Wetmore. From Munising toward Christmas - thin to no base and poor for 2 miles then fair into Christmas and West Bay Spur. Entire trail was "panned" yesterday from Munising to Christmas.

Logging Operations for 1/2 Mile on North end as you near Christmas. Watch for large trucks and give right of way.

418 - Au Train


2 inches of fresh snow, thin to no base, sandy/rocky areas along the big lake shoreline in Au Train. No recent grooming.

417 - Brownstone Jnct.


2 inches of fresh snow, no base, very rocky areas. No recent grooming.

Large Rocks, wet and bare areas - ride with caution.

422 - Miners Castle


2 1/2 inches of fresh snow, thin base, rocky areas. More snow as you head North but H-58 is a Poor, rough travel. No recent grooming.

Rough, Wet areas along the middle section of this trail, just south of H-58.

Wetmore Spur


2 1/2 inches of fresh snow, thin base. No recent grooming.

Use Caution in areas of steep side hill conditions near East end.