Poor overall conditions
Light lake-effect snow
1 general warning
4 trail warnings
Warm weather impact from two days ago was nothing compared to the past 48 hours. Very high southerly winds took the snow quickly and downed some trees so ride with caution until trails are cleared – again. We lost 80 percent of the snow that was out there making for overall POOR trail conditions. Temperatures have dropped and are forecast to stay below freezing, unfortunately nothing shown for significant snowfall. On the good side this will help the ground actually freeze now. A full trail assessment will be attempted today so Stay Tuned. We will continue to report as trail conditions change.
Past 24 hour Grooming Operations: On Hold
Forecast: Scattered Snow Showers, 27º F , Winds W 15 to 20 mph
Currently: Scattered Snow Showers, 20º F, Winds W 7 mph with Gusts to 18 mph
Photo: Trail 8 at M94 in Shingleton
Be sure to patronize and thank your Trail Sponsors!
Today’s Trail Report brought to you by: The Bear Trap Inn – Van Meer, MI
- We had very high winds over the last 48 hours so Ride with caution watching for water holes and downed trees.
Bare ground to 6 inches of very wet snow beginning to freeze, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Last Groomed: Cut in from Shingleton to Trail 422 12-11-2021
Bare ground to 6 inches of very wet snow beginning to freeze, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Last Groomed: Ungroomed
Bare ground to 6 inches of very wet snow beginning to freeze, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Last Groomed: Ungroomed
Bare ground to 6 inches of very wet snow beginning to freeze, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Last Groomed: Ungroomed
Bare ground to 6 inches of very wet snow beginning to freeze, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Bare ground and dirty snow along M28. Some very large water holes. Last Groomed: Cut in 12-11-2021
CLOSURE - Wetmore to Munising. Trail not set or signed yet along M-28, Use Prospect Street crossing M28 onto Balko Street and enter trail West into Munising. Watch for mud holes and use caution near temporary culvert at stream crossing.
Bare ground to 6 inches of very wet snow beginning to freeze, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Some very large water holes. Last Groomed: Ungroomed
CLOSURE - 2 mile section West of Munising from Brook Street heading toward Christmas - very large water holes and mud.
Bare ground to 6 inches of very wet snow beginning to freeze, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Bare sand;gravel trail along Lake Superior near AuTrain Last Groomed: Ungroomed
Bare ground to 6 inches of very wet snow beginning to freeze, may be icy and soft in water hole areas, very rocky areas. Last Groomed: Ungroomed
Bare ground to 6 inches of very wet snow beginning to freeze, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Last Groomed: Ungroomed
Bare ground to 6 inches of dirty wet snow beginning to freeze, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Last Groomed: Cut in 12-11-2021
Bare ground to 6 inches of very wet snow beginning to freeze, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Last Groomed: Panned 12/09/2021
WATER HOLES - Ride with caution on this wet section of trail. Large water holes and soft spots, especially the wetland section just east of the bridge in Shingleton.
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