Fair to Good overall conditions
No snowfall
1 general warning
4 trail warnings
Overall the core of our trails are still in a Fair to Good Condition. We have mixed-in gravel conditions to the Northwest and Northeast. Trail 418 from Au Train West, Trail 419 from Wetmore to Christmas and Trail 8 North of Shingleton are these problem areas.
Operators Keith and Quest were out grooming last night and completed Trail 419 South, Trail 8 from (7) miles north of Shingleton West to Trail 417 and Trail 7 South to Buckhorn Road. Trails groomed out good but snow is getting sugary. Grooming operations will continue to be limited based on snowfall and the current lack of.
Today’s Forecast: Patchy Drizzle, 39 degrees and 15 to 25 mph NW wind. Looks like snow for early next week so lets hope for a substantial amount.
PLEASE ride with caution, stay right and be respectful, stay on the trail and off the throttle when in the towns.
WE NEED SNOW!!!!!!!!! Keep Snow Dancing with your friends and stay tuned for updates!
(Today’s photo’s are Trail’s 7 North, 8 East, 7/8, 8 West before grooming)
Alger SORVA Photo Tip:
Photo Location is seen in the URL.
(Example: Trail 8 West is T8W “www.algersorva.com/20181228_T8W-3.jpg”)
- Some corners are icy, ride with caution and stay right.
Fair to Good
No fresh snow, icy corners. Groomed well to Shingleton. From Shingleton North, poor trail conditions, rough with little snow to work with. Groomed Friday night.
STAY ON TRAIL and off the throttle when traveling through Shingleton.
Fair to Good
No fresh snow, some icy corners. Groomed Friday night.
No fresh snow. Some icy corners and thin base as you head south. Groomed well to Buckhorn Road Friday night.
Fair to Good
No fresh snow and icy corners. Thin icy travel for last two miles as you approach Christmas. Groomed Friday Night
No fresh snow, thin base and icy corners. Groomed daily.
No fresh snow, thin base and icy corners and choppy. Thin snow with gravel for two miles heading toward Christmas out of Munising. Un-groomable, icy hill snow conditions.
No fresh snow. Choppy Fair conditions East diminishing to bare gravel as you approach Au Train heading West to the Brownstone Junction (Poor).
Un-groomable, rocky snow conditions. No fresh snow, no base, rough with large rock areas.
Large Rocks and very rough - ride with caution.
No fresh snow, thin base and icy corners. Rough in center section. Groomed Thursday night.
Logging Operations on North end as you make the turn onto Miners Castle road heading North. Watch for large trucks and give right of way.
No fresh snow, thin base. Groomed Friday night.
Use Caution in areas of steep side hill conditions near East end.
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