Good overall conditions
No snowfall
0 general warnings
1 trail warning
More snow coming today with a Winter Weather Advisory. The trail system in an overall very good condition, good in towns and near roadways. Groomer Operators are still getting very good results. With a machine down, Operators are picking up extra miles in both our John Deere’s to try and keep the trail grooming un-interrupted. There was a delay in getting parts so fingers crossed that they arrive today. Special Thanks to Trenary Northern Trails for helping out grooming some of our west side Trails. Our Operators really appreciate it! Get out and ride safe, stay right and enjoy the great riding conditions! Keep doing the Cold Weather Snow Dancing and Stay Tuned for updates!
Past 24 hour Grooming Operations: Trail 8 from Trail 417 intersection East to 7 miles North of Shingleton, Trail 7 North to Christmas, Trail 419 and Trail 422 to Miners Castle Road.
Forecast: Winter Weather Advisory, Snow Showers, 18ºF, Winds SW 5 to 10 → N 15 to 25 mph, 2 to 4 inches accumulation tonight
Currently: Cloudy, 7º F, Winds NW 9 mph
Cover Photo: Trail 422
Gallery: Trail 419
Be sure to patronize and thank your Trail Sponsors!
Today’s Trail Report brought to you by: North Star Hotel, Wetmore, MI
Very Good
No new snow with a good base. High traffic so expected to get choppy throughout the day, Last Groomed: 1/23/2022
Very Good
No new snow with a good base. High traffic so expected to get choppy throughout the day, Last Groomed: 1/23/2022
No new snow with a good base. High traffic so expected to get choppy throughout the day, Last Groomed: 1/23/2022
No new snow with a good base. High traffic so expected to get choppy throughout the day, Last Groomed: 1/23/2022
No new snow with a good base from Trail 8 North into Wetmore, good along M28 entering Munising. Last Groomed: 1/23/2022
No new snow with a good base, fair snow cover in 2 mile Frog Hollow section off of Brook Street last Groomed: 1/23/2022
no new snow. good base to the East. West 5 miles has a fair base, thinner along Lake Superior near AuTrain. Last Groomed: 1/22/2022
No new snow. mainly good condition but thinner base on the North end so stay alert for an exposed rock or two. Last Groomed: 1/22/2022
new snow with a good base, marginal snow cover on 2 mile section of H58. Last Groomed: to Miners Castle Road 1/23/2022
No new snow with a good base. Watch for a few moguls that develop along M28 near narrow sweeping curve. Last Groomed: 1/22/2022
No new snow with a good base. High traffic so expected to get choppy throughout the day, Last Groomed: 1/23/2022
Watch for large pockets to develop at third bridge North of Shingleton. Slow down and cross with care.
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