Trail Report

Thursday January 10, 2019 8:58AM

Very Good overall conditions

Lake-effect snow

1 general warning

4 trail warnings

A steady lake effect snow yesterday along with high winds had substantial drifts building. The machines were working hard with great grooming results everywhere. Overall our trails are in very good condition with exception of Trail 417 and 418 which are Fair and schedule for serious prep work over the next few days.
Operators Phil and Daryl were out grooming yesterday with Operators Chris and Kris out last night. Trails 419 East, Trail 7 North and South, Trail 8 East and West were completed with good results. The 7 mile stretch north of Shingleton again flattened out nicely and packed in good.

Today’s Forecast: Periods of Snow Showers, 20 degrees and 10 to 20 mph N wind. Less than 1 inch of accumulation.

PLEASE follow the trail onto the shoulder of M-28 at the railroad crossing. DO NOT cross directly over the railroad tracks. This is a safety concern for riders, a potential for train derailment and/or loss of a trail crossing.

PLEASE ride with caution, stay right and be respectful, stay on the trail and off the throttle when in the towns.
Keep Snow Dancing with your friends and stay tuned for updates!

(Today’s photo is Trail 8 West near H-13)


- We have machines often doing both daytime and nighttime grooming runs. Please stay alert for grooming equipment on the trails.

Trail Conditions

8 East - Shingleton


4 inches of fresh snow with a flat base to Shingleton. Groomed to 7 miles north of Shingleton Wednesday night.

STAY ON TRAIL and off the throttle when traveling through Shingleton.

8 West - Chatham


4 inches of fresh snow with a flat base. Groomed well Wednesday night.

7 South - CR440


4 inches of fresh snow with a flat base. Groomed well Tuesday night to CR440 and again to Buckhorn Road Wednesday.

7 North - Christmas


4 inches of fresh snow with a flat base. Groomed well Wednesday night.

419 East - Wetmore


4 inches of fresh snow with a flat base. Groomed daily.

419 West - Munising


4 inches of fresh wet snow with a flat base. Groomed well Tuesday. Some areas have lighter snow conditions due to tree cover. Some larger hills are also icy. West Bay Spur not yet groomed, scheduled for Friday.

418 - Au Train


3 inches of fresh snow with drifting. Grooming planned later in the week. We are letting sleds pack in a base since it has been bare ground.

417 - Brownstone Jnct.


4 inches of fresh snow. Grooming planned for later in the week. Sections can be rough until then.

Large Rocks and very rough - ride with caution.

422 - Miners Castle


4 inches of fresh snow with a flat base. Groomed well Wednesday.

STAY ON TRAIL! Follow Trail onto M-28 shoulder at Railroad Crossing near Timber Products. Do not cross the railroad tracks!

Wetmore Spur


4 inches of fresh snow with a flat base. Groomed well Wednesday.

Use Caution in areas of steep side hill conditions near East end.

8 North - Shingleton