Fair to Good overall conditions
Medium lake-effect snowfall
1 general warning
3 trail warnings
TRAIL REPORT, Thursday, January 5, 2023 6:30 a.m.
Over the last 24 hours we received almost a foot of fresh but very wet snow. Groomers are scheduled to go out and pack this is for the weekend. A majority of our system was groomed a few nights ago and remains flat. Overall there is good snow cover for good riding. Stay tuned for updates as we see if the wet snow is workable.
Past 24 hour Grooming Operations: NONE
24 Hour Forecast: Chance of Snow Showers/Freezing Rain, 27ºF, Winds NW 5
Currently: Cloudy, 27ºF, Winds NE 6 mph
Today’s Trail Report brought to you by: AuTrain Grocery, AuTrain, MI
Cover Photo: snowfall last night
- Use extreme caution between Munising and Wetmore as temporary culvert has become exposed.
Fair to Good
Almost a foot of fresh wet snow, flat with a fair base. Groomed 1/2/2023
Fair to Good
Almost a foot of fresh wet snow, flat with a fair base. Groomed 1/2/2023 East from Trail 7 North
Fair to Good
Almost a foot of fresh wet snow, flat with a fair to poor base. Thin South of Baldy Lake in Logging area. Groomed 1/2/2023
Logging in progress South of Baldy Lake so stay alert for logging trucks and ride with caution.
Fair to Good
Almost a foot of fresh wet snow, flat with a fair base. Groomed 1/2/2023
Fair to Good
Almost a foot of fresh wet snow, flat with a fair base. Choppy with wet areas between Munising and Wetmore. Groomed 12/28/2022 and partially from Trail 8 into Wetmore 1/2/2023
Fair to Good
Almost a foot of fresh wet snow, flat with a fair base. Groomed 12/27/2022
Fair to Good
Almost a foot of fresh wet snow, flat with a fair base. Some this gravely areas East and West of AuTrain. Groomed 12/27/2022
Fair to Good
Almost a foot of fresh wet snow, flat with a fair base. Some thin areas with large rocks and a culvert exposed just South of the North Gate. Groomed 12/27/2022
Fair to Good
Almost a foot of fresh wet snow, flat with a fair base. Some wet areas North of H-58 and ruts on Miners Castle Road. Groomed 1/2/2023
RE-REOUTE IN PLACE - see map in image gallery below. CAUTION - Watch for a few water holes North of H-58 and ruts on Miners Castle Road
Fair to Good
Almost a foot of fresh wet snow, flat with a fair base. Partially Groomed 12/28/2022
Ride with Caution along steep slopes 2 miles East of Wetmore.
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